Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ball Phyton

name: Ball Python
Scientific name: Python regius
Other common names: In Europe and Africa this species is often referred to as the royal python.
Distribution: this snake is from africa. ball pythons can be found from  Guinea Bissau, Senegal Guinea, , Sierra Leone  and Liberia on the west coast, east to southwestern Sudan and northwestern Uganda in the center of the continent.this snake are very populer in reptile lovers because this snake very tame and have a lot of variants.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Indian Star Tortoise

Indian Star Tortoise (Geochelone elegans)
Indian star tortoises are popular based on their size, personality and appearance. This tortoise is from india,sri lanka and pakistan. this tirtoise can't be growth in a big one. so it's make this torto is a good as pets.

Savannah Monitor


Savannah Monitors
are one of the easiest monitors to care for and keep. Beginners to reptile husbandry should never start with a monitor however, as they are extremely strong lizards.

Food & Water

Your Savannah Monitor should be fed a very mixed diet of insects, rodents (frozen then thawed), and goldfish. For insects, provide crickets, mealworms, silkworms, butterworms, superworms and earthworms, all gut-loaded and dusted with a multi-vitamin supplement. Frozen mice and rats can be offered, once thawed. You can give them live rodents as well, but they can seriously injure the lizard, so watch it at all times while hunting and eating the rodent. Adult monitors will need to eat once or twice a week, while juveniles should be fed 3 times a week. You must provide a sturdy container of water for the Savannah Monitor to bathe in, and drink from. Replace the water each day.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Corn Snake

 Most adult Corn Snakes will live comfortably in a 20-gallon tank provided that you let them out for exercise. Bigger is always better in this case though and a 30-gallon or larger would be very nice. The tank must have a locking screen top. This is very important. Most pet stores sell clips that lock the top down securely. Buying 4 clips will ensure that you won't be doing any "snake hunting" around the house. People will tell you to just stack books on top, but beware, snakes are escape artists that can wriggle through a very small hole. Enough said.